Add/Modify Availability
In the Dashboard editing mode, you can add or modify availability for personal booking sessions. This allows you to define the time ranges when an instructor is available for personal sessions. Here's how you can do it:
- Go to the Dashboard screen by clicking on the "Dashboard" button in the navigation bar.
- Toggle the "Edit Schedule" button to enter the editing mode.
- On the top bar, select the "Personal" option from the "Classes/Personal" selector. This will switch the calendar view to show personal booking sessions.
- You will see a list of instructors on the top bar. You can select a specific instructor to filter the availability for that instructor only, or choose "All Instructors" to see availability for all instructors.
- The weekly calendar will be displayed in the main area. You can scroll up and down to view different time slots throughout the day.
- To add a new availability, click on an empty space on the calendar where you want to define the availability. This will open a dialog box.
- In the dialog box, you can specify the following fields:

- Instructor: Select the instructor for whom you want to add the availability.
- Day of Week: Choose the day of the week for the availability.
- From Time: Specify the starting time for the availability.
- To Time: Specify the ending time for the availability.
- Starting Date: Set the starting date for the availability.
- Optional Ending Date: If you want to define a recurring availability, you can specify an optional ending date. Otherwise, leave it blank.
- Additionally, you can select the available service types for the personal sessions. This could be services like yoga, pilates, etc.
- Once you have entered all the relevant information, click on the "Add" or "Save" button to create the availability.
- To modify an existing availability, click on the existing availability on the calendar. This will open the dialog box with the availability details. You can make the necessary changes and click on the "Save" button to update the availability.
- When you are done editing the availability, click on the "Done Editing" toggle to exit the editing mode.
Note: After clicking the "Done Editing" button, the system will generate specific class sessions for the defined availability for the current and future weeks.