Kisi and Simply Studio business integration

What is Kisi?

Kisi ( offers a modern approach to physical access control. It replaces traditional keys with a smartphone-based access system, allowing members to conveniently enter your studio with their phones. Kisi integrates with various access reader technologies like RFID, NFC, and keypads for added flexibility.

Kisi Activation

To activate the Simply Studio integration with Kisi, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a Kisi System: You'll need a Kisi system with electronic door locks installed at your studio. Contact Kisi for purchasing or setting up your system.
  2. Generate Kisi API Key:
    • Log in to your Kisi account at
    • Go to "My Account" and navigate to the "API" section.
    • Add a new API key and copy the generated key.

  1. Configure Simply Studio:
    • In your Simply Studio account, go to "Settings".
    • Find the "Integration" tab.
    • Locate the "Kisi" section and paste the copied API key into the "API Key" field.
    • Click "Save Kisi API Key".

Automatic Member Access Management

Once Kisi is activated:

  • Active Members Get Access: All members with active memberships in Simply Studio are automatically granted access to all locks associated with the Kisi account controlling your studio's doors.
  • Inactive Members Lose Access: When a member's status becomes inactive due to membership expiration or insufficient credits, their access is automatically revoked in Kisi. They will no longer be able to enter your studio using their phones.
  • Onboarding New Members: When a new member joins your studio and has an active membership, Simply Studio creates a corresponding user in the Kisi system. However, the Kisi account manager needs to manually onboard this user (identified by their email address) to grant them access through specific door readers (RFID, NFC, keypad, etc.). To do that, log into your Kisi Dashboard, find the new user by their email, and in the Credentials section, add their new credentials.

Note: Upon initial Kisi activation, all existing active members in Simply Studio are automatically granted access as part of the activation process.

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