Member Details Screen
The Member Details screen provides comprehensive information about a specific member of your fitness studio. Here's a guide on how to navigate and use the features available on the Member Details screen:

Open Member Details
To access the Member Details screen, click on the profile card of the desired member from the Members screen. The profile card displays the member's photo, name, age, email, and phone number.
Profile Overview
Upon opening the Member Details screen, you will see the member's profile information, including their photo (if provided), name, age, email, and phone number. This section gives you a quick overview of the member's basic details.
Edit Member Profile
To edit the member's profile, click on the "Edit Profile" button. This action will allow you to modify the member's details. You can update their photo, name, age, email, and phone number as needed. After making the necessary changes, click on the "Save" button to store the updated information.
Membership Plan
The Member Details screen also displays the current membership plan for the member. This section provides details such as the plan name, duration, and cost. To modify the member's plan, click on the "Set/Modify Plan" button. This action will take you to the Plans screen, where you can select a different plan for the member or make any necessary modifications to their existing plan.
Future Bookings
At the bottom of the Member Details screen, you will find a list of the member's future bookings. This list presents an overview of the classes or personal sessions the member has scheduled. Essential details, such as the date, time, and type of booking, are provided. If needed, you can make changes to their bookings, such as canceling or rescheduling them.
Activity History
Also at the bottom of the Member Details screen, you will find a section displaying the member's activity history. This area presents a chronological list of their past bookings and other relevant activities within your fitness studio. You can track their attendance and engagement by referring to this activity history.